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*Reiki Session

*Energy Guidance Session

*Intuitive Guidance 

*Intuitive Reading

*Customized 1-1 Mentoring




I am a Certified Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner. Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique in the healing arts family of modalities. It promotes relaxation, stress reduction and healing.  Reiki utilizes the universal life energy that exists in all living things, to balance and align energy pathways (chakras). Reiki benefits include: feeling more relaxed, anxiety reduction, enhanced self-awareness and positive feelings. Reiki can also assist in facilitating healing past feelings or negative attachments that do not serve your highest good. Energetic and emotional imbalances can manifest in the physical body. Reiki can help to clear the unbalanced energy that is showing up in your life in unwanted ways and heighten your awareness.


When people work with me and receive Reiki, I am mindful to give them any feedback that I feel, intuitively and energetically.  I also offer the accompanying service of Energy Guidance for those who want to learn techniques such as meditation, divination or request intuitive readings. I always try to offer clients practical, positive ways to work on their chakras and keep the energy centers (chakras) in balance. I am currently offering virtual services via text or zoom.

Rates: Reiki 55 minutes $88, Reiki & Energy Guidance 75 minutes, $111. 


I am a certified 200-hr Yoga teacher, currently in my 500-hr program. Yoga is a comprehensive system that promotes physical, mental, emotional & spiritual well-being. Yoga incorporates asanas- physical postures, designed to purify the body and promote physical strength, as well as meditation benefits. Yoga is aligned with the chakras, as Reiki is, so I am often sharing reiki energy naturally, when I am teaching a yoga class. I teach group classes and offer one-on-one yoga classes as well.

Class rates vary depending on class location. One-on-one rate is $50 per hour. Contact me directly to book personal or small group sessions. Private virtual yoga available as well.

Intuitive Readings

There are times when you may just need a little guidance. Through my personal practice, my work and my development in my field, I have been able to tune into my connection to Spirit, to listen intently, to receive in order to give. In my intuitive readings, I utilize both cards and the technique of channeling, to receive guidance and sometimes messages for the recipient. Together, we decipher the guidance for your highest good. You will receive the messages you are divinely meant to receive. You can request to receive a reading via email or via Zoom.

$55 via detailed email, $77 for 45 mins via Zoom. Book online, or of you don't see a time that works for you, send me an email request.

Customized 1-1 Mentoring

No journey is one-size-fits-all. No two humans are alike. Some people know they are ready to embark on the healing and/or empowerment journey, to learn new things, to go within, so they can emerge feeling more connected to self. Together, we figure out what the best fit techniques are for you . It is tailor-made for you, and with your needs and desires in mind.  This is a deep commitment to your soul growth, to your self-discovery and to self-love. I offer this as a 3-month program to help you get started with confidence, help you heal along the way, and help you understand as you develop, ascend and grow. If you are ready to commit to your journey and do the work, let's chat. Send me a message to set up a discovery call.

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